Around this time every year the National Football league has an free agency off season in which it allows players to sign with new times and or get contract extensions. I usually don't these off season updates but since the Browns should be good this year I've been keeping up with the moves their making and everyone else in the league is making. During this time teams have made a big splash in the NFL in which it is taking people by surprise. The moves that has happen for the browns have me very excited, they went on to fix their defensive problems and also tune up their offensive problems which is all a fan can ask for. With the fixes has come a lot conflicts throughout the league as well which has everyone by surprise. 

There is a-lot of economic issues this off-season as the Cleveland Browns signed a quarterback in which his contract contained all guaranteed money. This shifted the players wants as far as money for years to come. The big story right now is a player basically going on strike because he doesn't feel like he's getting the money he deserves and this is causing to situation to be brought up every day. I personally feel like very player isn't worth the same, all players have different skills sets and attitudes toward the game. Overall this offseason has been very different from previous ones, I'm just excited for the season to start.


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