Movie reaction from corporate finance

 Today Im going to talk about a recent movie I watch in which was assigned in my corporate finance class. This movie is titled " Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis / Full Vice Special Report / HBO." This is available on amazon prime and youtube which is nice. Although this was a movie it reminded me of a documentary, as many speakers appeared throughout the the film to talk about he crisis. This movie sparked my interest because I am a finance major, but I think it would be beneficial for everyone living in the United States to watch this film.  This film pointed out how the United States had a financial crisis from 2007 to 2008, and talked about how it was recognized before hand and matters didn't change in which it allowed this to happen. These warning signs were two bear sterns hedge funds falling apart, warnings were sent out to investors that they might not be able to withdraw any money from the hedge funs falling apart which showed just the beginning of the troubles to come.

Further down the line it was seen to be targeting low income home buyers and the hedge funds and loan process was unstable. This film is so special because it interviews people throughout the government that actually help the United States get back stable within it's economic system. This film singles out people that was a large help thought-out the crisis and gives background information of their history. People like   Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Timothy Geithner, and Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke. This film was very entertaining and you were able to pull out a-lot of knowledge in just an hour and a half. It's very different from movies i'm used to watching, but I can say it opened my mind and made me look more into this situation. 
When it comes to the images shown thought-out the film, it showed live reactions throughout the crisis. This was good because it showed these images for the government and also regular people that invested and or has loans for home buying. In the interviews you can hear the relief in their voices and they talk about everything that occurred during the time and how if things didn't get back to normal the house buying process and loan process would be unstable to this day.  Overall it was a very entertaining, educational, yet nerve racking film.


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